Enjoy those happy moments, as they don't always last..
Choosing to live a happy life today .

Monday, November 2, 2009 11:57 PM making-sweetness
i realised i haven't been blogging for long.. HAHAHA.

i'm really busying with my studies and work, so ya. pardon me! =X

but not many ppl drop by my blog nowadays though.

alot of thgs have been coming, i'm having a thought that it has long been confined in my sub-conscious.. wanting to realise it. lol.

when will the better days come?

要在失去前就学会珍惜,活得灿烂点吧!I WILL FIND MY WAY =). 11:57 PM


SIM-Diploma in Economics'09 (DEFT/A1)
.Canning College'08 (April Entry)
.Yio Chu Kang SS'04-07 (All 01s)
.Anderson PS'00-03(6.8)

.Learning Advanced Korean (WK42B,IK50,WAK12)

.Working Part-time, Studying Full-time
.Enjoys both HK/KR dramas
.Enjoys KR/CH/EL songs too
.Kinda loner
.Has a group of awesome lect-mates now



Cravings that I want
• New wallet. Mine's full of holes
• Awesome 19th Birthday
• Probably a Promotion soooon
• A backpack
• A trip to SOMEWHERE ELSE in the Earth
• Moving out
• Scoring a distinction